# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Hometown-flavored products never disappoint, with high quality and low price, and this wolfberry is no exception (although the price is a bit expensive this time haha), but the quality is as good as ever. Each wolfberry is big and full. Although a bag is small, it is very solid. I use it to cook Tremella soup with it, or drink it directly in water. It tastes very good. 👌
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 家乡味的产品从来不会让人失望,质优价廉,这款枸杞也不例外(虽然这次价格略贵哈哈)但是品质还是一如既往地优秀。每一颗枸杞都很大很饱满,虽然一袋小小的但是很扎实,我用来煮银耳汤搭配着用,或者直接泡水喝,味道都很好👌