# 2021亚米面膜节 # This is Kose's BABYISH mask. The main refreshing whitening moisturizing mask. It is a leave-in mask. It takes about 20 minutes Gently massage with fingers until absorbed. The taste is actually good. Essence is just fine. Fortunately, the price is very good. Kose's reputation is actually quite good. If you are interested, you can try it.
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# 2021亚米面膜节 # 这款是Kose家的BABYISH面膜. 主打清爽美白保湿面膜. 是一款免洗面膜. 大概敷个20分钟左右就 用手指轻轻按摩至吸收就好了. 味道其实还好. 精华也算刚刚好吧. 好在性比价很可以. kose家的口碑其实都不错. 有兴趣可以试试.