Yami 특선
# 2021亚米面膜节 # Whitening and moisturizing, creating baby-like translucent skin ❤️Korea JM SOLUTION MAMA Pure Whitening Mask Review This JM SOLUTION MAMA pure whitening mask is a skin care program specially designed for expectant mothers who are undergoing rapid physical changes. It focuses on whitening effects. I am not a quasi mama. At first, I only looked at the cover picture and thought it was to create baby-like delicate skin. Look at the effect description blindly, and try it because it is not expensive. I didn't expect the effect to be really good! 🍀Ingredients and efficacy The main ingredients of the mask are alpha-bisabolol (pure natural whitening ingredient, whitening and calming the skin), niacinamide (functional raw material can improve skin tone), pearl extract (giving the skin transparent and clear skin. 🍀Mask material The material of the mask is smooth-touch Tencel cupro fiber, which is ultra-thin and translucent. It is not particularly soft, but the amount of essence is very sufficient. It feels very comfortable to apply on the face. The only disadvantage is that it cannot be stretched. It doesn't cover the big face completely. 🍀Actual use experience This JM MAMA mask is a relatively special mask in his family. After opening, you can smell a fresh fragrance. The Tencel cupro paper used for the mask paper is not soft but very docile. The essence is transparent and semi-colloidal, which is sensitive It is suitable for skin, but it will be a little sticky after drying on hands. After applying the mask, the skin becomes hydrated and translucent, slightly sticky, and the moisturizing effect is great!
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Yami 특선 # 2021亚米面膜节 # 美白保湿,打造婴儿般透亮肌肤❤️韩国JM SOLUTION MAMA 纯净美白面膜 测评 这款JM SOLUTION MAMA 纯净美白面膜是为正在经历急剧身体变化的准妈妈专门设计的肌肤护理方案,主打美白功效,我不是准麻麻,一开始只看封面图以为是打造婴儿般细嫩肌肤,没看功效说明盲入的,想着也不贵就试试,没想到效果真心不错! 🍀成分与功效 面膜主要成分是alpha-bisabolol(纯天然美白成分,美白镇定肌肤)、niacinamide(功能性原料对肤色有改善效果)、珍珠萃取物(赋予肌肤透明、清透肌肤。 🍀面膜材质 面膜的材质是柔滑触感的天丝铜氨纤维,超薄半透明,不是特别柔软,但精华液量特别充足,敷在脸上触感蛮舒服的,唯一的缺点是不能拉伸,对于我这种大脸来说不能完全覆盖。 🍀实际使用感受 这款JM MAMA面膜算是他家比较特别的一款面膜,打开后能闻到清新的香味,面膜纸用的天丝铜氨纸不算柔软但很服帖,精华液呈透明半胶质状态,敏感肌适用,抹在手上干了之后会有一点点粘手。敷完面膜后,皮肤变得水润透亮,稍微有点粘,保湿效果棒棒哒!