This Korean instant bibimbap is still worth recommending, but the price is a bit expensive and the portion is a bit small. However, as someone who doesn't like bibimbap very much, this bibimbap is full of flavor, slightly spicy, and also comes with small kelp and small vegetables. The most important thing is to have a meal in no time! Must-have food for final!
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这款韩国的速食拌饭 还是蛮值得推荐的 只是价格有点稍微贵了 份量稍微有点少。 不过作为不怎么爱吃石锅拌饭的人 这款拌饭味道很足 微微有点辣 而且还有小海带 小蔬菜的配菜。最主要的是 很快的时间就可以吃到一份饭!final的时候必备食品!