# 2021亚米面膜节 # Roselle eye mask or green tea eye mask? Buy, buy, buy with me! Jayjun's eye masks are very easy to use, and the price is very high. A box of about 15 dollars, 30 pairs of eye masks, the red roselle eye mask is mainly for firming and moisturizing, and the green one is mainly anti-oxidation to eliminate dark circles. I usually use the computer a lot, and my eyes are very dry. I use green tea eye mask a lot. It is very comfortable after use, and my eyes will be relieved a lot. Luoshenhua eye mask is very suitable for babies with fine lines around the eyes. It reduces fine lines around the eyes and tightens the skin around the eyes. If you keep using it, you can clearly feel the changes in your eyes! Babies who have difficulty choosing may wish to enter like me, they are all very easy to use, and it is not a loss to buy!
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# 2021亚米面膜节 # 洛神花眼膜还是绿茶眼膜?跟我一起买买买! Jayjun的眼膜都非常好用,性价比非常高,一盒大约15刀,30对眼膜,红色这款洛神花眼膜主打紧致保湿,绿色那款主打抗氧化消除黑眼圈。 我平时用电脑比较多,眼睛很干涩,用绿茶眼膜比较多,用完很舒服,眼睛会舒缓不少,不过敷完要记的洗哦,不然敷过的眼下会有残渣! 洛神花眼膜很适合眼部有细纹的宝宝们,减轻眼部细纹,紧致眼部肌肤,坚持使用,能明显感受到眼部的变化! 选择困难的宝宝们不妨像我一样都入吧,都很好用,买了不亏!