Yami 특선
# 亚米商城6周年 # Sunway popular food is out of the box‼ ️ This is the second time to buy snacks at Sunway Gourmet. I bought Kim Goryeo Cold Noodles and Kim Goryeo Casserole Potato Flour from Sunway a long time ago. They were all planted. Order with a discount. Next, let's open the box to see what good things are in! 1️⃣ Jizhu Dafu Baked Cold Noodles This grilled cold noodles has been repurchased many times at Yami, 10 pieces per bag, dipping sauce and dipping sauce are available, the method is simple, 100% restore the delicious food, super recommended‼ ️ 2️⃣Golden Mill Shredded Tender Beancurd This dried bean curd has also been repurchased many times by Yamibuy. Although it is said to be hot and spicy, it is not spicy at all. The tofu is very soft and tender, and it is delicious 😋 3️⃣Five Grain Mill Yiyuan Bazhen This has been planted for a long time, and it is also very expensive in China. This time, it only costs $9 to catch up with the discount, which is very broken, looking forward to its taste‼ ️ 4️⃣Wugu Mill Red Bean and Barley Balls It is said that red bean and barley has a good dampness-removing effect. I have a lot of humidity and I am too lazy to cook soup. This red bean and barley pill can kill two birds with one stone, and it is very convenient to nourish the body. I look forward to its curative effect! 5️⃣Hai Fusheng wolfberry and white fungus soup This is my first time to buy freeze-dried soup. I don’t know if it will taste very different from the one I cooked myself. There are 8 packs in a box. I look forward to its taste‼ ️ 6️⃣The tidal flat kelp knot in Kim Tou Kok This is the first time I bought it, so I don't know if it will taste good. Do you like any of the above foods? I will continue to share the actual taste of each food in the future!
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Yami 특선 # 亚米商城6周年 # Sunway高人气美食开箱啦‼️ 这是第二次在Sunway美食馆买零食,很早以前在它家买了金高丽烤冷面和金高丽砂锅土豆粉,都被种草了,这次趁着亚米商场6周年各种满额减优惠下了一单。接来下给大家开箱看看入了哪些好物吧! 1️⃣吉朱大福烤冷面 这个烤冷面已经在亚米回购多次啦,每袋10片,蘸酱蘸料都有,做法简单,100%还原地摊美味,超级推荐‼️ 2️⃣金磨坊手撕嫩豆干 这个豆干也在亚米网回购过很多次,虽然说是撩妹级香辣味,但吃起来一点也不辣,豆腐很软嫩Q弹,好吃😋 3️⃣五谷磨坊益元八珍 这个被种草已久,国内也卖很贵,这次赶上打折只需要$9,非常划断,期待它的味道‼️ 4️⃣五谷磨坊赤小豆薏米丸 据说红豆薏米祛湿效果好,我的湿气比较重,又懒得煮汤,这个赤小豆薏米丸可以一举两得,滋补身体还很方便,期待它的疗效! 5️⃣海福盛枸杞银耳汤 第一次买冻干的汤,不知道喝起来会不会和自己煮的差别很大,一盒有8包,期待它的味道‼️ 6️⃣金堆谷的滩涂海带结 这个是第一次买,不知道会不会好吃呢。 上述食品有你喜欢的吗?之后会继续分享每样食品的实际口感喔!