Yami 특선
# 夏日清凉 # A must for clearing heat in summer! There are really a lot of good health care products in Fangjiapu. I saw that @wendy was very serious about the Fangjiapu collection. I felt that the real brand still looks very reliable. This time I will buy a Sydney cream first. try. The packaging is very powdery, like an old newspaper, with a foam box to protect it, and the small bottle is safe to stay in it. The only downside is that the mouth of the bottle is a bit small, and if you don't have one of those very small spoons at home, it's a little hard to come out. The tip of my spoon can go in, and I can get it out by tilting the bottle a little. The ingredients of this Sydney cream are very pure, and the ingredients are only Sydney, rock sugar and water. Add a little warm water and stir it to dissolve quickly. The taste is a little weak. You need to add a little more. For the first time, you can taste the taste and add Sydney cream, and find a ratio you like. The taste of Sydney is really strong, very sweet, and the whole body is warm and the throat is moist after drinking. Recommended index: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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Yami 특선 # 夏日清凉 # 夏日清热降火必备! 方家铺子的养生好物真的挺多的,之前看到@wendy是很认真的 发的方家铺子合集,我就感觉真的牌子看起来还是很靠谱的,这次先买一款雪梨膏试试。 包装就很圈粉,像是老报纸,里面有泡沫盒保护,小瓶子呆在里面很安全。 唯一的缺点是瓶口有点小,如果家里没有那种非常小的勺子的话,有点难kuai出来。我的勺子尖尖可以伸进去,把瓶身稍微倾斜一下就可以弄出来了。 这款雪梨膏成分很纯,配料只有雪梨、冰糖和水。加点温水搅拌一下溶化得很快,味道稍微有一丢丢淡,需要稍微多加一点,第一次喝可以一边尝尝味道一边加雪梨膏,找到自己喜欢的一个配比就好。 喝起来雪梨的味道真的很浓,非常清甜,喝下去浑身都暖暖的,嗓子也润润的。 推荐指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟