Yami 특선
# 夏日清凉 # I bought a box of Japan's AFG Blendy Stick's season-limited iced milk tea on Yamibuy. The packaging looks very appetizing. A box of $4.99, 7 pieces in total. The picture shown is made with milk, and the first time I drink it, I follow the instructions on the package. Rinse the milk tea powder with a little hot water, and the fragrance is fragrant. Then add a bit of ice, followed by iced whole milk. A cup of super fragrant iced milk tea is ready, it does not lose the taste of all kinds of fresh milk latte in the milk tea shop outside~ Later, a version without milk was made, which is more like Cantonese milk tea, but less bitter and tastes good. It is still very fragrant when it is made hot, and it is not limited to iced drinks. If no milk is added, a cup of drink made with milk tea powder alone is only 29 calories, and if a cup of milk is added, it is about 130 calories, and the calories are basically from milk. So it is very suitable for little fairies who want to drink milk tea in summer but are afraid of getting fat🧚‍♀️ I will buy this if I want to drink milk tea in the future, 100% repurchase! Recommended index: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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Yami 특선 # 夏日清凉 # 在亚米上买了一盒日本AFG Blendy Stick的季节限定冰奶茶回来,包装看着就让人感觉很有食欲耶。 一盒$4.99,一共7条。 图片里展示的是加奶冲出来的,第一次喝按照包装上的instruction做的。用一点点热水把奶茶粉冲开,香味扑鼻。然后加入一点冰块,再加入冰的全脂牛奶。一杯超级浓香的冰奶茶就做好啦,丝毫不输外面奶茶店各种鲜奶拿铁的口感~ 后来做过不加奶的版本,更像广式奶茶,但少了一些苦涩,口感也很好。热的做出来依然非常香浓,不会只局限于做冰饮。 如果不加牛奶,单纯用奶茶粉冲出来的一杯饮品只有29大卡,如果加一杯奶就是130大卡左右,热量基本都来自牛奶。所以很适合夏天想喝奶茶又怕胖的小仙女们🧚‍♀️ 以后想喝奶茶就买这个了,100%回购! 推荐指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟