Yami 특선
# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # I've drank Japanese AGF's iced milk tea before. It's low-calorie and delicious. I can't forget it~ Recently, I bought a box of the same seasonal limited iced milk coffee on Yamibuy🥛 There are seven in a box. Cold water will break the powder, but hot water is better. After adding a small amount of water to boil, add ice cubes and milk. The intensity of the taste can be adjusted by yourself. It's not particularly sweet, and the coffee flavor isn't particularly strong, but it's delicious! I personally think that the caffeine content should not be very high, and there is no refreshing feeling after drinking it. But it is still good as a drink. Although it's cold outside recently, but when the air conditioner/heater is turned on at home, I still feel very happy to have an ice drink🧊
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Yami 특선 # 为所爱 放肆嗨 # 之前喝过日本AGF的冰奶茶,低卡又好喝,念念不忘~ 最近又在亚米上买了一盒同款季节限定的冰牛奶咖啡🥛 一盒有七条。冷水就可以冲开粉末,不过用热水更好搅拌开。加少量的水冲开后,加入冰块和牛奶就可以啦。 口味的浓淡可以自己调节。不是特别甜,咖啡味也不是特别浓,但是好喝的! 我个人觉得咖啡因含量应该不会很高,喝完也没有啥refreshing的感觉😂不过当作一款饮料还是不错的。 最近虽然外面冷,但是家里空调/暖气一开,来一杯冰饮还是觉得很痛快🧊