Yami 특선
# 日本逛吃图鉴 # I didn't really like sour food. Seeing that many babies recommend this plum slice, I also want to try it I was a little surprised when I got it, it's such a small package. There may only be a dozen or twenty pieces in it. Plum slices are darker than hawthorn slices It may be the thickness of two or three sheets of paper The second you put it in your mouth, the taste buds are completely awakened. The sweet and sour taste spreads in the mouth I believe in promoting fluid and quenching thirst, strengthening the spleen and appetizing! Sometimes I'm too full recently and I take one I have no appetite to eat, I also take one I also take a tablet when I feel sleepy and drowsy during the day The effect is great, but I ate it in two days I don't want to eat hawthorn slices anymore after eating this Some people say that plum slices stick to the teeth, I didn't find this problem Maybe it's because I eat it all with it Will repurchase after restocking!
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Yami 특선 # 日本逛吃图鉴 # 本来没有很爱吃酸酸的东西 看到好多宝宝推荐这个梅子片,也想尝尝 到手小小惊讶了一下,好小一包啊 里面可能只有十几二十片的样子 梅子片颜色比山楂片深一些 可能就是两三张纸的厚度 放在嘴里的那一秒味蕾彻底苏醒了 酸酸甜甜的味道在口中蔓延 生津止渴,健脾开胃什么的我信了! 最近有时候吃太饱了我就含一片 没胃口吃饭我也含一片 白天困了犯瞌睡也含一片 效果杠杠的 只是没两天就吃完了 吃过这个以后我再也不想吃山楂片了 有人说梅子片粘牙,我没发现这个问题 可能因为我都是含着吃的吧 补货以后还会回购哒!