Yami 특선
Some time ago, Yami came up with the Ramen Saying series of ramen. I saw a lot of people recommend it, so I bought it. The original price of $9.99 per person is not cheap, so I picked the most classic pork bone char siu flavor and tried it. Ramen Talk Signature Pork Bone Char Siew Ramen 216.8g | Yami When I received the goods, I found that the shelf life on the box of this ramen is not as long as other ramen noodles. After a closer look, it is actually the half-dried fresh ramen in the package that has a short-term warranty. The shelf life of the rest of the packages is still quite long. Chill in refrigerator. Open the box, there are 9 packs in total: 1. Semi-dry fresh ramen (after cooking, the taste is very similar to the fresh noodles in a ramen restaurant, and the degree of reduction is very high) 2. Char Siew Pork (the words "I'm so big" are written on it. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it before, but now it feels a little bit wrong... Would it be more suitable if it was replaced by my good fragrance? It's fat and thin, and it tastes good) 3. Nori (two large pieces, thick) 4. Bamboo shoots (sweet and crispy, the quality is much higher than the bamboo shoots in snail noodles) 5. Original Tonkotsu Ramen Sauce (this is a pack of soup, the portion is quite large) 6. Fungus (I washed it several times, otherwise it feels slippery, sticky, and feels a little material, this is the only place to complain) 7. Red ginger (that is, soaked tender ginger, I like it very much) 8. Sesame seeds (a lot) 9, chopped green onion (dried chopped green onion, put it in a bowl at the end to enhance the flavor and color) My approach: The noodles are boiled in boiling water for 5 minutes, I don't like too hard noodles, they are moderate and delicious. Except for the seaweed, sesame seeds and chopped green onion, I put the rest in a small bowl and steamed it. Take out the noodles and put them in a bowl, add all the seasonings and garnishes in the steamed small bowl, add hot water and mix well, finally add seaweed, sesame seeds, and dried chopped green onion, and you're done. The taste and texture are truly restored to the taste of Japanese ramen that I used to eat in China. Although a box of $9.99 is a bit expensive, it is quite worth it. Eat this round barbecued pork on Mid-Autumn Festival and watch the same full moon! # 亚米返校季 # # 2021赏月计划 #
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Yami 특선 前段时间亚米上货了拉面说系列拉面,我看好多人推荐,就跟着买了。原价9.99美元一盒一人份并不便宜,我就先挑了其中这款最经典的口味豚骨叉烧味,尝一尝。 拉面说 招牌豚骨叉烧拉面 216.8g | 亚米 收到货,我发现这个拉面的盒子上保质期没有其他拉面那么长,仔细一看,其实是里面那包半干鲜拉面是短保,其余的料包保质期还是挺长,我果断把整盒放进冰箱冷藏。 打开盒子一共9包东西: 1,半干鲜拉面(煮了以后口感很像拉面馆的鲜面,还原度很高) 2,叉烧肉(上面写着我好大三个字,以前看不觉得有啥问题,现在看感觉有点不对劲。。。如果换成我好香会不会更合适,肥瘦相间,口感很好) 3,海苔(两大片,厚实) 4,麻笋(又香又脆,质量比螺蛳粉里的笋高出一大截) 5,原味猪骨拉面汁(这是一包汤料,份量挺大) 6,木耳(我洗了几遍,不然摸上去滑溜溜,黏乎乎,感觉有点什么物质似的,这是唯一吐槽的地方) 7,红姜(就是泡嫩姜,很喜欢) 8,芝麻(量不少) 9,葱花(干葱花,最后放入碗中,增香增色) 我的做法: 面条沸水煮5分钟,我不喜欢太硬的面,适中好吃。 料包除了海苔,芝麻和葱花,其余我都放小碗里上锅蒸了。 面捞出来放碗里,加入蒸过的小碗里所有调料配菜,加入热水拌匀,最后加入海苔,芝麻,干葱花,完成。 味道和口感都真实还原了以前在国内吃的日式拉面的味道,9.99美元一盒虽然有点贵,但还是蛮值得的。 中秋吃上这片圆圆的叉烧,观赏同一轮圆月吧! # 亚米返校季 # # 2021赏月计划 #