#blue pillmask💊 ✨Suitable for skin: any skin type! Pregnant women and sensitive skin can use it ✨Adherence: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I especially like the facial tissue of this mask, thin and compliant, soft and comfortable! Very comfortable~💚 This mask is mainly super hydrating 💦Remove it after 15-20 minutes of application, and the face does not feel sticky at all. I especially like the soft touch of the face just after application! slip! The follow-up makeup is all bling bling💛 The love of this life unlimited repurchase ps: The small pills I took from the picture online have been used up 😂 Sit back and wait for the stock to arrive!
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#蓝色药丸面膜💊 ✨适用皮肤:任何肤质!孕妇和敏感肌都可以使用喔 ✨贴服度:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 特别喜欢这款面膜的面纸 薄而服帖 柔软舒适!非常舒服~💚 这款面膜主打超强补水💦敷完15-20分钟后取下 脸上一点都不觉得黏腻 特别喜欢刚敷完后脸的触感 软!滑! 后续的上妆心情都bling bling了💛 此生挚爱 无限回购 ps:图片网上拿的 自己的小药丸已经用完啦😂坐等囤货到达!