# 我的囤货清单 # I have bought many kinds of hawthorn snacks, because I really like eating hawthorn. This time, I stocked up Yimeng Commune hawthorn slices again. Each slice is very large, and it is very enjoyable to hold in my hand. One bag is a small bag that is individually packaged. It is just right to eat a small bag at a time. Flavor and coloring, really great!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 买过很多种山楂零食了,因为真的太喜欢吃山楂了。这次又囤了沂蒙公社山楂片,每一片都很大,拿在手上就很过瘾,一袋里面是单独包装的小袋,一次吃一小袋刚刚好,味道酸酸甜甜没有什么人工添加的味道和色素,真的很棒!