# 我的囤货清单 # Linjiapuzi canned hawthorn syrup Really super delicious and super greasy. It's been a hot day and I don't have a good appetite, so it's very appetizing to eat two. The sweetness and sourness is just right, add it to the stocking list. I haven't eaten hawthorn for a long time, but I still think this can is delicious 😂
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# 我的囤货清单 # 林家铺子山楂糖水罐头 真的超好吃超解腻。最近天热胃口不好,吃两颗就很开胃。酸甜度刚好,加入囤货清单。好久没吃到山楂的我尽然觉得这个罐头好好吃😂