# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # A jar of 450g $12.99 very average price Single ingredient: only black sesame powder There is a small spoon in the jar Sesame powder looks good Light sesame scent Scoop 2 spoons into 200ml of warm milk and stir Because it is pure black sesame powder So it doesn't mix with milk Black sesame seeds are not beaten very finely It needs to be chewed carefully when you drink it in your mouth 🤪 It still feels very chewy 😅 It should be more suitable for making sesame toast or sesame-filled dumplings
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 一罐450克 $12.99 非常平均价 成分单一:只有黑芝麻粉 罐子里有配一个小勺子 芝麻粉看着还不错 淡淡的芝麻香味 舀了2勺进200毫升的温牛奶中搅拌一下 因为是纯黑芝麻粉 所以和奶并不融合在一起 黑芝麻没有打得很细 喝进嘴里需要细嚼一下🤪 感觉还很有嚼劲😅 应该更适合做芝麻吐司或者芝麻馅汤圆