# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # The quality of Japanese hot pot casserole is very good, the soup is very fragrant, the whole house can smell the fragrance of the soup, and the soup is enough for six people. The first thing to buy this pot, be sure to boil it , otherwise it will be easy to break, the method of opening the pot is very simple, after cooking a pot of porridge, put the porridge in the pot and let it cool, pour out the porridge, wash it and then open the pot successfully!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 日本的火锅砂锅质量很棒,煲出来的汤特别香浓,满屋都闻到汤的香味, 煲出的汤足够六人的份量. 买了这个锅第一件事,一定要开锅,不然会容易破裂,开锅方法很简单,煲一锅粥后,把粥放在锅内待凉,倒出粥,洗干净便开锅成功!