#亚米爆笑晒单# I am obviously a person with strong self-control, why do I always salivate over this spicy bar? Am I that hungry? Or is the spicy strips really delicious? Every time I eat it behind my back, because my child was often reprimanded by me for eating spicy noodles when he was a child. Help me, let me quit this spicy stick addiction as soon as possible!
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# 亚米爆笑晒单 # 我明明是个自制力很强的人,为什么总是对这个辣条垂涎三尺欲罢不能呢?我就这么馋吗?还是辣条实在太好吃了?每次都是背着孩子偷偷吃,因为孩子小时候为吃辣条没少挨我的训斥。 救救我吧,让我早点戒掉这辣条瘾!