# 亚米经验值+1 #The first time I ate almonds with honey and butter flavor, I was amazed. The small almonds were fragrant and crispy, with the scent of sweet honey and butter. I ate it up once I opened it, and regretted buying it Less, next time I want to pack a few more packets, I like this taste very much!
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# 亚米经验值+1 #第一次吃蜂蜜黃油味的扁桃仁,被惊艷到了,小小一顆扁桃仁又香又脆,還有甜甜蜂蜜和黃油的香味,打开后一次就被我吃光,后悔买少了,下次要多团几包,很喜歡這個味道!