Yami 특선
Dangdang a bunch of freshly baked bread (◍´ಲ`◍) This time, although it has nothing to do with Amway, I baked a bunch of bread at home and made two kinds of fillings, mochi floss and cranberry cheese, the cheese was bought at costco Made with cranberry goat cheese, you can add a little milk and heat it to make a filling. If the taste is not heavy, you don't need to add sugar, so convenient and delicious! Although the European package does not look very good, it is definitely enough. I will freeze it first and bake it tomorrow, it will taste fresher, I look forward to the party giving me praise hahaha
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Yami 특선 当当当一堆面包新鲜出炉(◍´ಲ`◍)这次虽然跟安利无关,自己在家烤了一堆面包,做了两种馅,麻薯肉松和蔓越莓乳酪,乳酪是用costco买的蔓越莓山羊奶酪做的,加一点牛奶隔水加热就能做成馅,如果口味不重就不需要加糖,好方便好好吃! 虽然欧包卖相不怎么样但是料绝对足嘿嘿。我先冻起来明天烤一下口感会比较新鲜,期待聚会给我好评哈哈哈