Yami 특선
8 favorite lipsticks 💄 The first one is Dior 620, a warm milk tea color that is very everyday and gentle. The second one is TF 07. I personally think it is more suitable for white skin, but yellow skin does not appear white. The third one is Givenchy's marble color No. 25, which is not easy to make mistakes, it is a moisturizing lipstick The fourth is the Armani 500 bean paste color that has been on fire for a while. The texture is matte velvet. If you want to use this for daily use, it's fine. The fifth is Armani 401, a very lively and summery orange-red giant white, don't worry about yellow skin The sixth is that Lancome 270 is suitable for use in spring and summer. It feels moisturizing when applied, but it will become semi-foggy after a while. The seventh one is Nars Cruella. It is very retro red and it is a purple tone💄. It can be used to dye lips when applied thinly. The last personal favorite! Smashbox Out Loud is a dirty orange lipstick that is not easy to stick to the cup, shows white, and has its own aura! I have painted friends who will ask what color and brand it is.
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Yami 특선 8只喜欢的口红💄 第一支是Dior 620 温暖奶茶色很日常很温柔的一个颜色 第二支是TF 07 个人觉得比较适合白皮,黄皮涂不显白 第三支是纪梵希的大理石色 25号 不容易出错的一款,是滋润型的口红 第四支是阿玛尼 500 火了🔥一段时间的豆沙色,质地是哑光丝绒,想要日常用选这款妥妥没毛病 第五支是阿玛尼 401 一款很活泼很夏日的橙红色巨显白,黄皮用也不用担心 第六只是兰蔻 270 适合春夏使用,涂上去的时候有水润感,可是过一会儿就会变成半雾光 第七支是Nars Cruella 很复古红同时是一款偏紫调的💄,薄涂可以做染唇,厚涂有气场 最后一支个人的心头爱!Smashbox Out Loud 是一款脏橘色系的口红,不容易沾杯、显白、自带气场的一款口红!我有涂朋友都会问是啥颜色哪个牌子