Coco Perilla Water➕ Shea Butter Lotion Buying perilla water but not having avocado lotion is not perfect... Please list lotion Perilla water is suitable for combination oily skin and acne-prone skin. Mainly anti-oxidation, calming and anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, stabilizing the skin, and strengthening the muscle base! If you don't like the smell of alcohol, you want to get rid of acne and keep your mouth closed, you can try it. Wet compresses must be wet for best results. It can go down in a few days. There are also sensitive skin, pregnant women, breastfeeding can rest assured to use Oh! And the avocado is the introduction lotion used with the perilla water. It is r0 before the perilla water, especially the refreshing and moisturizing degree is enough.
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黛珂紫苏水➕牛油果乳液 买的到紫苏水却没有牛油果乳液就不完美了……求上架乳液 紫苏水适合油皮混合油和痘痘肌。主打抗氧化、镇静消炎、补水、稳定肌肤、强健肌底!不喜欢酒精味、想去痘痘和闭口的都可以试试。湿敷一定要湿敷效果最好。连敷几天就能下去。还有敏感肌、孕妇、哺乳期都可以放心使用噢!而牛油果是搭配紫苏水用的导入乳液就是在紫苏水之前擦哦 特别特别特别的清爽保湿度也够。