Yami 특선

💙Summer anti-mosquito battle|Super cute Gemini Portable Mosquito Repellent Lotion🌟

Today, Gege would recommend a super practical life object—— Mosquito Repellent! Because of summer The weather is getting hotter There are more mosquitoes Both adults and children cannot avoid being bitten by mosquitoes Therefore, you should prepare mosquito repellent products at home and on your body.!  What I want to recommend today is a super cute and super girly Gemini compiled mosquito repellent!

When I buy Gemini Mosquito Repellent Lotion, of course, the first thing I see is the high value It's so cute! has a favoriteSanrio span>Gemini And a small one is special in a bag Convenient! (Especially suitable for moms to buy for their babies < /span>There is also a small hanging loop It can be hung on the school bag of the bag< /span> Even if you get bitten at school, you can apply it yourself SuperniceDesign! ) 

Apply a little before going out cool and cool to avoid mosquito bites span>! Of course if If you are bitten by a mosquito outside, you can quickly relieve the itching by wiping a little. The smell is a fragrant gel and the smell is not bad< /span>! with mint Refreshing and cooling It is very effective to reduce redness and swelling! ( span>But the opening is a bit big Squeeze lightly Otherwise it will be crowded!)

 😝 Okay, that's it for today's Gege's sharing Hope you like my sharing Like my pictures Bi Xin ღ( ´ ` ) Hope you all have a great day span> 💖

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Yami 특선


今天格格要给大家推荐一款超级实用的生活小物—— 驱蚊露! 因为夏天的到来 天气也越来越热 蚊虫也越来越多 不管是大人小孩都不能避免被蚊虫叮咬 所以家里和身上都要准备驱蚊产品才行!  今天要推荐的就是一款超可爱超少女的双子星编写驱蚊露!

我买双子星驱蚊露当然首先还是看到颜值高啊 真的太可爱啦! 有最喜欢的Sanrio的双子星 而且小小的一个放包里放书包里都特别方便! (特别适合妈咪们给自己的宝宝买 还有一个小挂环 可以挂在包包的书包上 就算在学校被叮咬了你也可以自己随手涂抹 nice的设计!) 

出门之前涂一点儿 清清凉凉的避免被蚊子叮咬! 当然啦 如果在外被蚊子咬了抹一点儿也可以迅速止痒 味道是一股香香的凝露味道还不错! 含薄荷成分 清清凉凉 消红去肿很有效! (但是这个开口有点儿大 挤压的时候要很轻 不然挤得满手都是!)

 😝 好啦今天格格的分享就到这里啦 希望大家喜欢我的分享 喜欢我的图片 比心 ღ( ´ ` ) 愿大家都有开心美好的一天 💖