Yami 특선
Want to make meat dishes but forgot to marinate the meat in advance? Don't want to order takeaway🥡 or cook instant noodles🍜 when you don't have dinner? Then make a quick tofu curry🍛! The ingredients are really simple: carrot 🥕 half an onion Half a fruit green pepper potato 🥔 one A box of tofu (firm kind) other: Mix glutinous rice + white rice one by one and add water to the rice cooker! 3 small pieces of curry (if you like thick curry, add an extra piece, the golden curry pieces are really not spicy, hot or extra hot have a little spicy taste) A little ginger garlic cloves and coriander (must have, very Tixiang Ha) Sauté ginger and garlic until fragrant, boil potatoes and carrots in boiling water for a while (this makes curry faster), add green peppers and tofu, cover and cook for four minutes, sprinkle with coriander and sesame seeds and enjoy! 🍛🍴 If you have this kind of ceramic pot for soup🥣 at home, you can use it! In this way, the curry will not cool down at once, and it tastes like a small hot pot of Xiabuxiabu curry, and the heat can kill a large bowl of rice! When you are out alone, don't deal with every meal. When your stomach is comfortable, you will have the motivation and good mood to work hard! ❤️
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Yami 특선 想做荤菜却忘记了提前腌肉?晚饭没着落又不想点外卖🥡或者煮泡面🍜?那就做个快手豆腐咖喱🍛吧! 食材真的很简单: 胡萝卜🥕一根 洋葱半个 水果青椒半个 土豆🥔一个 豆腐(firm的那种)一盒 其他: 糯米+白米一比一混合加水丢进电饭煲! 咖喱块3小块(喜欢浓咖喱就多加一块,Golden咖喱块真的不辣,hot或者extra hot都才有一点辣味) 生姜蒜瓣香菜少许(一定要有,很提香哈) 姜蒜炒香,土豆和胡萝卜过滚水煮一会(这样做咖喱更快),加入青椒和豆腐加盖咕噜咕噜煮个四分钟,撒香菜芝麻开吃!🍛🍴 家里要是有这种盛汤🥣的陶瓷小盅可以用起来!这样咖喱不会一下凉掉,吃起来有呷哺呷哺咖喱小火锅的感觉,热腾腾可以消灭一大碗饭!一个人在外,每顿饭也不要对付喔,胃舒服了,才有努力的💪的动力和好心情!❤️