Yami 특선

Popularization of salt and planting of grass 🌱

First, let me recommend some common salts that I love, which are delicious and nutritious and suitable for home cookingfinishing salt🥄

garlic saltGarlic salt: stir-fried vegetables🥦🍆and making fish🐙🐟especially delicious

truffle saltTruffle salt: Sprinkle some on top of pasta and pasta🍝🥫 It's delicious and tasty when you eat it

smoked saltSmoked salt: perfect for steak and beef ribs🥩🍖

Chili salt and Sichuan pepper salt🌶️: Every time everyone has a meal bbqAll praise, in addition to steak and chicken wings, sausage seasoning is also excellent🍗🥓< /span>

Rose and lemon salt🍋: great with bread🍞It is also good for dipping baguettes🥖

Then let’s talk about pink salt~ My favorite pink salt is Himalayan salt🗻It can be used for cooking and seasoning just like table salt, and a little bit different is that it can be used as bath salt🛁🛀🏻Place it next to the bathtub when taking a bath to allow the skin to fully absorb the minerals in the water🧖🏻‍♀️Himalayan salt is good Eat, use more, and contain a variety of trace minerals😋

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Yami 특선


先来推荐一些我爱的常用盐,好吃营养又适合作为家常菜finishing salt🥄

garlic salt蒜盐:炒青菜🥦🍆和做鱼🐙🐟特别好吃

truffle salt松露盐:意面和通心粉上层撒上一些🍝🥫吃的时候拌开美味又入味

smoked salt烟熏盐:做牛排和牛仔骨绝搭🥩🍖


