Yami 특선

Simple fried noodles save the star who can't cook

This is a braised bamboo shoot tip bought at Yami, with a sweet typical Huaiyang cuisine flavor.

Most of the bamboo shoots are still very tender, so there is no such thing as a bite.

If it is fried noodles, you can actually chop it up a little, use a kitchen knife or scissors (I am lazy and usually cut into small pieces with scissors) and cut into shreds or cubes, personal preference. Turn on the fire, heat the oil, stir fry, add sriracha (that is, the chili sauce with the rooster logo), and cook. Don't look weird but it's really delicious.

If conditions permit, you can actually add some diced sausage and fry until slightly burnt before the bamboo shoots are put into the pot (WalmartOrdinary sausages you can buy).  




Now start teaching the Dafa of Fried Noodles

1.Fry the bamboo shoot sausage as above and set aside.

2. After the noodles are boiled, pour them into cold water to rinse and set aside (moreQ< /span>Play, use whatever noodles you like, wide noodles taste better)

3.Five-cooked eggs ready for use

4.Heat the oil, pour the noodles into the pot, add a little salt, MSG and cooking wine (each 1/4 teaspoon) soy sauce (personal preference, add half eachtsponJust do it) , add the eggs and the prepared diced bamboo shoots and sausages, stir fry, add a little sesame oil, Get the pot.

This is a serving size, you can add more according to personal preferenceSriracha. Sweet and spicy is very delicious, often accidentally eat a large pot.

If you don't like noodles, you can also prepare the bamboo shoots as a side dish and eat it with rice porridge.

This is my first time writing an article, and my writing skills are not good. Thank you for reading!  


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Yami 특선











2. 面煮开后倒入凉水冲洗备用(更Q弹,喜欢什么面用什么面,宽面口感更好)


4.开火热油,面倒入锅中,加一点点盐味精糖料酒(各1/4teaspoon)酱油(个人喜好,各加半个tspon就行) ,加入鸡蛋和备好的笋尖香肠丁翻炒,加一点点香油,起锅。


