Another box full of snacks!

Put out a bag of each purchase to take a photo~

The package of yam flakes is much bigger than I thought~  Open although the air takes up a lot of space. But the quantity is still plenty, and it tastes great!  

Not to mention butter chips, Buy at least four bags at a time ~

The combination of jujube and walnuts, also makes up for eating dried walnuts alone Baba taste. This one also has raisins in it, span>It's not too nutritious to eat~ < /span>

Stock a bunch of soy milk powder and soy milk powder, Two bags every morning Children, Spiritual Morning~ 

Stop talking, Go for potato chips< span class="s1">~ 

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山药薄片的包装比我想象中要大不少~  打开虽然空气占了不少地儿吧. 但是量仍然很足, 而且味道很赞哦! 

黄油薯片那就不用说了, 每次至少买四袋儿~

大枣夹着核桃的搭配, 也弥补了单吃核桃干巴巴的口感. 这款里面还夹着葡萄干, 吃起来简直不要营养太丰富呢~ 

囤了一堆豆奶粉和豆浆粉, 每天早上来两袋儿, 精精神神一上午~ 

不说了, 吃薯片儿去了~