Yami 특선

ANESSA | Super waterproof sunscreen small gold bottle, an artifact for everyone 🔆🔅

▪️SHISEIDOShiseido's affordableANESSAANESSA small gold bottle can be said to be the favorite way for Asian girls.!< span class="s3">I feel that this is really a bottle of human handsormultiple bottles of artifact😄Feeling9/10Girls I should have used it.!This is my favorite sunscreen🧴 Because the waterproof and sunscreen effect is really invincible!< /span>

▪️I am sharing today that these two bottles were from last summer when I returned to ChinaHK span>Airport entry very cheap price And it's an extra-large bottle!But it looks like this one now Changed packaging Upgraded to blue cover Blue cover is more refreshing and comfortable!

▪️Small golden bottle with sunfast can effectively resistUVA/UAB Protect skin from UV damage!Great for preventing sunburn and sunburn< /span> Help pig girls take care of their delicate skin~< span class="s2">And this sunscreen, waterproof and sweatproof can also be well removed< span class="s3">!

▪️However, I don't usually wear this gold cover Because the alcohol taste is really strong And I personally feel that Face is a little stuffy and oily not very comfortable!So generally used on the neck and armslegs Sunscreen is really good!Summer vacation is in Under the sun exposure in Chongqing, Chengdu, and Arizona I didn't get much dark at all!

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Yami 특선

ANESSA | 超强防水防晒小金瓶 人手一瓶的神器🔆🔅

▪️SHISEIDO资生堂旗下平价的ANESSA安耐晒小金瓶可以说是亚洲女孩最爱的方式了吧!感觉这真的是人手一瓶or多瓶的神器😄感觉9/10的女孩子应该都用过吧!这款也算是我比较爱的防晒了🧴 因为防水防晒效果真的超级无敌强!

▪️我今天分享这两瓶是去年暑假回国在HK机场入的 价格非常的便宜 而且还是超大瓶的!不过貌似现在这款换包装了 升级为蓝盖了 蓝盖更加清爽舒服!

▪️小金瓶安耐晒能够有效抵御UVA/UAB 保护肌肤远离紫外线损伤!能够很好的预防晒伤和晒斑 帮助猪猪女孩们呵护娇嫩的肌肤~并且这款防晒防水防汗 还能够很好的卸除!

▪️不过呢这款金盖的其实我一般都不上脸的 因为酒精味道真的有点儿重 而且我个人觉得上脸有点儿闷有点儿油 不是很舒服!所以一般都用在脖子和手臂腿部 防晒效果真的好!暑假在重庆成都的暴晒还有Arizona的暴晒下我基本也没怎么黑!