Yami 특선
Taking advantage of Nordstrom's activities, I finally received this whitening mask. Sister sale said that it can also be used during pregnancy. I have doubts about this, let me research the ingredients. Initial feeling: The texture of the mask is very Q, soft. The essence is thin and absorbs very easily. It is said that it has its own miracle broth in it. There are long instructions for use in the package The first time I used it, it felt amazing. I applied it for 8 minutes, and after I massaged it, I felt like I was rubbing mud. But the face is slippery, super slippery! After washing it, it still feels super soft! The whitening effect can be seen the next day, but that kind of false white is not bright white, it seems that the spots are also a little lighter, I don't know if it is my illusion. The point is that the skin is still smooth and tender. All in all, it's amazing and the effect lasts all day. But I still want to complain that I bought a whitening product, but I am not satisfied with the whitening effect, but it makes the skin smooth and tender. Am I saying that you are not good or are you hello?
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Yami 특선 趁着Nordstrom搞活动终于收了这个美白面膜,sale姐说这个孕期也可以用。关于这个我表示疑惑,容我去研究下成分。 初始感受: 面膜质地很Q,软软的。精华很稀薄,非常容易吸收。据说里面都有它家的miracle broth。 包装内有长长的使用说明 第一次使用感很神奇,我敷了8分钟,完了之后按摩的时候会觉得搓泥。可是脸上滑滑的,超级滑!洗完之后觉得还是超级嫩滑!美白效果第二天能看到,但是那种假白,不是亮白,好像斑也有一点变淡,不知道是不是我的错觉。重点是皮肤还是滑滑的嫩嫩的。总的来说挺神奇的,效果能持续一天。 但是还想吐槽我是买了美白的,但美白效果不满意,却把皮肤弄的滑滑嫩嫩,我是说你不好还是说你好?