Gege's outfit | Coach's super easy-to-wear printed minimalist sweater 🌺

▪️It seems that the most I buy at the Outlets on Friday isCoach< /span>Yes The big and the small add up to 5Like hahaha~but tell me the truth I'm quite satisfied and I like this one I started with5like!< /span>This order will share with you a piece that I think is super comfortable, warm and beautifulCoachSweaters!

▪️I actually wanted to buy one at firstbomber< span class="s3">of but because just one of mysizeI'm still wearing itmodelI'm not too embarrassed to ask the clerk to help I took it down~I feel that there are many people and they are also very busy span>Not very convenient!So I took a look at the sweater and T-shirt Just look at this print➕logo!

▪️This sweater is actually quite simple in design Simple logo in front of it It's really nice to have a few little flowers on each letter Cute Instant black clothes are not so dull and old-fashioned!

▪️This sweater still has fleece inside < span class="s2">extremely comfortable very soft and warm < /span>Very suitable for recentAZmorning weather!and very thin arm length is just ok I don't feel long as a dwarf star Specially convenient and extraordinarily versatile!

格格的穿搭| Coach 超好穿的印花简约风卫衣🌺

▪️好像周五的奥莱我买的最多的就是Coach了 大大小小加起来竟然有5样哈哈哈~但是实话实说我都还挺满意挺喜欢自己入手的这5样!这一单就给大家分享一件我觉得超级舒服保暖又好看的Coach卫衣吧!

▪️其实我开始是想买一件bomber的 但是因为就一件我的size还穿在model身上我不是太好意思让店员帮我取下来~感觉人很多她们也特别的忙 不是很方便!于是我就看了一眼卫衣和体恤 就对眼了这款印花➕logo的黑色简约风卫衣!

▪️这件卫衣其实设计款式都还挺简单的 面前有简约的logo 每个字母上有几个小花花真的非常可爱 瞬间黑色的衣服没有那么沉闷老气了!

▪️这件卫衣里面还是加了绒的 特别舒服 很软很保暖 很适合最近AZ早上的天气!并且很显瘦 手臂的长度也刚刚好 我这个矮子星人也不会觉得长 特别的方便还特别的百搭!