Pat Mcgrath | Red limited high-value mini lipstick 💋

▪️I don't want to keep the old pictures in the album < span class="s3">Prepare to post all the previous photos in one go~previoussephoraDiscount seePat Mcgrath< /span>miniThe lipstick has a red limited edition, so I quickly started one! Because I really like the ones I bought before3pcs miniPacked Love it span>!!!

▪️This one entered this timeminiThe red color is really super high. Even mini sizeBut the packaging is still very atmospheric and delicate!Let me think I sent it wrong at first~Red is in season And the upcoming ChristmasAh New Years are super good span> very festive!!!(I know I want more Although it's a long time ago…)

▪️redminiThe limit is the same as the one I entered before3small one CalledELSON~This texture is still velvet< span class="s3">, But its velvet won't dry out On the contrary, the mouth is very good and pushes away smoothly!This is also a great point< span class="s3">!The color is a little blues red Simple, elegant and temperamental Don't pick skin color much < span class="s2">The love of office workers or girls pursuing exquisite makeup!Even if it is bright red but not fluorescent at all Noshao(dirty)~Everyday thin application is fine!

🔺But I want to stronglydissis that I threw this lipstick out as soon as I pulled it out...The whole root was thrown to the ground Super heartache + complaining about thiszzoperation!< span class="s2">Then I picked it up myself, wiped it with a napkin and put it back in.…Really good Pit, so everyone must be careful to open it It feels unstable inside! 🔺

Pat Mcgrath | 红色限定 高颜值mini口红💋

▪️旧图不想继续憋着在相册啦 准备一口气把之前拍的全部发了~之前的sephora折扣看到Pat Mcgrath的mini口红又出了红色限定版就赶紧入手了一只!因为实在是太喜欢之前买的3个mini套装了 爱不释手!!!

▪️这次入的这根mini的红色真的颜值也超级高 即使是mini size但是包装什么的都还是很大气很精致!让我一开始有错觉以为寄错了~红色很应季 和即将到来的Christmas啊新年都超级搭 很喜庆!!!(我知道我想多了 虽然还有很久…)

▪️红色的mini限定和我之前入的3小只里面的一只是一样的 叫做ELSON~这个质地还是丝绒, 但是它家的丝绒都不会拔干 反而上嘴很好推开很顺滑!这也是超级棒的一点!颜色是有点儿蓝调的红色 简单优雅有气质 不怎么挑肤色 上班族或者追求精致妆容女孩的爱!即使是亮红色但是完全不荧光也不shao(土)~日常薄涂也没问题!

🔺但是我要强烈diss的一点儿就是 这个口红我一扯出来就给我甩出来了...整根都甩地上了 超级心痛+抱怨这种zz操作!然后我自己硬生生捡起来用餐巾纸擦干净又装回去了…真的好坑所以大家一定要小心点儿打开 感觉里面不稳固!🔺