Never thought that this super popular Farmacy honey mask that was out of stock was on my black list I think my skin type is different from this brand. After applying this honey mask, my whole face started to sting. At first I thought it was because my skin was too dry. Then it became more and more painful. It took several days to live with the red and swollen cheeks. After a week or two, I reluctantly used it again and the same tragedy happened again 😭 I've never encountered this before, and I shouldn't have sensitive skin, but this redness should be an allergy, right? But the main brand of this brand is natural safety. I really don't know what to say. I only used a small bottle of it. Fortunately, I had an idea and sold it again. I still tend to be more inclined to it because of my personal skin type. There should still be many people who like it. risky
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万万没想到这款超火的到处断货的Farmacy 蜂蜜面膜竟然上了我的黑榜 我觉得我的肤质跟这个品牌八字不合 涂上这个蜂蜜面膜整张脸开始刺痛 一开始以为是我皮肤太干了 后来越来越痛 坚持敷完一次把面膜洗掉之后 脸颊竟然红肿了!顶着红肿的脸颊生活了好几天才消。过了一两个星期我不死心的又用了一次 同样的悲剧又发生了😭 我从来没有遇到过这种情况 我也应该不是敏感肌 但这样红肿应该就是过敏了吧?可是这个品牌主打的就是天然安全 真的不知道说什么好 一大瓶只用了一点点 幸好我灵机一动把它又卖出去了 我还是比较倾向于是我个人肤质的问题 应该还是有很多人会喜欢它的 就是给大家提个醒 主打天然有机的牌子也是风险的