Yami 특선
"New Year's Eve Recipe" happy New Year to all! ! ! Today I recommend a cold dish recipe for you Quick and simple, good looking, good meaning The best table for New Year's Eve dinner super popular The one that can get the disc right away Kitchen novice can also learn~ 🌟Ingredients: Songhua egg (according to the number of people, one egg for 2-3 people) Cucumber🥒Appropriate amount (to fill the empty space at the end) 3 Roots of Millet Horseradish 4 red beans 🌟 Seasoning (the amount of two eggs, increase or decrease in proportion) 3 tablespoons water 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of vinegar 2/3 spoon of pepper oil, 2/3 spoon of sugar 1/4 tsp salt 🌟 Steps: 1. Cut a Songhua egg in half, use half as the body of a fish, and place it on a plate. 2. Cut another egg in half, then slice it again, use it as a fish tail, and arrange it as a flower. 3. Slice the cucumber 🥒, then cut the flower, and place it in the blank of the plate. 4. Season the sauce, mix the above seasonings evenly, add the millet pepper cut into circles, soak for 10 minutes, let the millet pepper give out the spicy taste. 5. Spread the sauce evenly on the eggs and cucumbers, and place red beans as eyes. # 亚米厨房 # # 开年吃大餐 #
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Yami 특선 「年夜饭食谱」富贵有余 大家新年快乐!!! 今天给大家推荐一个凉菜食谱 快手简单 摆盘好看 寓意好 最适合上年夜饭的餐桌啦 超级受欢迎 立马就能光盘的那种 厨房小白也可以学起来~ 🌟原料: 松花蛋(按照人数定,2-3人一个蛋) 黄瓜🥒适量(最后填盘子空位的) 小米辣3根 红豆4颗 🌟调料(两个蛋的用量,按比例加减) 水3勺 生抽1勺,醋1勺 花椒油2/3勺,糖2/3勺 盐1/4勺 🌟步骤: 1.一个松花蛋对半切,一半当一条鱼的身子,在盘子上摆好。 2.另一个蛋对半切,然后再切片,当作鱼尾巴,摆花。 3.黄瓜🥒切片,然后切花,摆在盘子的空白处。 4.调汁,上述调料混合均匀,加入切圈的小米辣,浸泡10分钟,让小米辣散出辣味。 5.把调味汁均匀散在蛋和黄瓜上,摆上红豆当眼睛即可。 # 亚米厨房 # # 开年吃大餐 #