Yami 특선
Taiwan's 120-year-old honey-flavored black tea lactose, just looking at the packaging, it feels like a clear stream among the brands! At first, I thought it was a tea bag... I think the main taste of this lactose is the astringency of tea when I first put it in my mouth. It is indeed a bit different from other tea gummies I have eaten. hard texture. Basically, it takes about three minutes for it to become soft. However, after it starts to soften, the tea flavor and honey flavor will slowly come up. The two flavors are not bad. No one has the upper hand, and the overall balance is relatively balanced. Because it was written on the packaging that there would be a caramel milk flavor, I thought that I would prefer the taste of milk tea before eating, but in fact, the milk taste is not too heavy after the experience. Still the tea flavor and sweetness predominate. Maybe it's because I don't think tea made of sugar is very suitable, and it's not a model I would repurchase, but I think it's pretty good when it comes to the practices and ideas that reflect the "tea" culture! Great for giving away! # 百万积分第五季 # # 开年吃大餐 # # 我要当测评官第3期 # # 温暖小家养成记 #
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Yami 특선 台湾百二岁的蜜香红茶乳糖,光看包装就觉得是众品牌中的一股清流呀!我一开始看还以为是茶包袋呢… 我觉得这款乳糖刚入口含在嘴里的时候主要的味道是茶涩味,和别的吃过的茶类软糖确实有些不一样,算是偏硬的质地。基本要含上个三分钟才变得软一些。 但是开始变软以后茶味和蜂蜜味才会慢慢涌上来,这两个味道调和的也还算不错吧,没有哪一个是占了上风,总体算的上比较平衡的。 因为包装上写了会有焦糖奶香味所以吃之前想的是偏向奶茶的口味,不过其实体验下来奶味并不重。还是茶味和甜味占主体。可能是觉得茶做成糖并不是很搭,不算是我会回购的款,但是在体现“茶”文化的做法和想法,我觉得是还挺不错的!很适合送人!# 百万积分第五季 # # 开年吃大餐 # # 我要当测评官第3期 # # 温暖小家养成记 #