Yami 특선
# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # I still want to send it out and share it with everyone, not because I have to punch in! Unlocking a new world of cumin king oyster mushrooms ❤️ is simply a favorite! The ingredients required for cumin king oyster mushrooms are soy sauce, cumin, king oyster mushrooms, salt, pepper, and bibimbap chopped peppers! Add a little olive oil, stir fry the king oyster mushrooms, then add soy sauce pepper and salt to taste, and then add chopped peppers and cumin powder when it is almost cooked! The king oyster mushrooms are very Q-bounce and the taste is very good. With cumin, my boyfriend said that it tastes like barbecued barbecue haha 🤟 The second dish is scrambled eggs with onions. Because there are only half of the onions, I put some baby mushrooms. This dish is a very homely dish. The sweetness of the onions and the eggs are really great! I hope everyone can persevere in losing weight. Now that you have decided, don’t give up halfway~ I went to Las Vegas to eat and drink a few days ago. During this time, I have to exercise and eat vegetarian food. Summer is coming. Now, if you want to wear a small skirt, you have to work hard, come on💪🏿
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Yami 특선 # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # 还是想发出来分享给大家不是因为要打卡! 解锁新世界的孜然杏鲍菇❤️简直是心头爱! 孜然杏鲍菇所需食材有酱油,孜然,杏鲍菇,盐,胡椒粉,以及拌饭剁椒!一点点橄榄油,下杏鲍菇翻炒,紧接着放酱油胡椒粉还有盐调味,基本快炒熟了以后放剁椒和孜然粉!杏鲍菇非常的Q弹口感非常不错,配上孜然男朋友说吃起来很像烧烤的烤肉哈哈🤟 第二道菜是洋葱炒鸡蛋,因为洋葱只有半个啦所以放了点baby mushroom,这道菜就是很家常的一道菜啦,洋葱的甜味综合鸡蛋真的超级棒! 还在减肥中希望大家都能好好的坚持,既然决定了就不要半途而废嘛~ 前几天去了拉斯维加斯大吃大喝这段时间又要好好的健身吃素食了,夏天就要来了,想穿小裙子就要努力鸭,加油💪🏿