Yami 특선

Super useful stew pot! skyrim

Amway got this water-proof electric cooker by my friend.I didn't plan to buy an electric cooker.Because there is an electric cooker at home.

But I like the size of this one.mini Type.Suitable1-3Use! It is with me.Because I usually stay home with my son .< /span>I often cook too much.This will meet my needs.and its configuration and price.Discounted price59.99.Used99-15.< /span>Super deals.Order now.Get it today and use it immediately









Random equipment

▪️Instructions▪️Charging cable▪️A steamer▪️A large ceramic inner pot1.6L ▪️Two small ceramic inner pots.0.6L▪️A metal backing plate▪️A small measuring cup.

It's easy.

Can be used▪️steamed< span class="s3">▪️Soup▪️rice span>▪️bbporridge▪️ Dessert▪️Yogurt▪️Keep Warm.







very versatile.soup .Braised Peach Gum Tremella Soup.Cooking.I use the default time.About 2hours.You can also set more time according to your needs, which is good.



I just keep doing things anyway! very convenient! It does not take up too much space..Just disassembled and cleaned. Otherwise, there will be a little plastic smell. # 亚米厨房 #< /a> # 开箱大吉 # span> # 下厨秘密武器 # # Yamizhen6 #

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Yami 특선



可是看中了这款的大小.迷你型.适合1-3使用!正和我意.因为平时通常我和儿子在家我 .经常煮太多.这样就可以满足我的需求.以及它的配置和价格.折扣价59.99.用了99-15.超级划算.就立马下单.今天收到后就立刻使用










▪️说明书▪️充电线▪️一个蒸笼▪️一个大的陶瓷内锅1.6L ▪️两个小的陶瓷内锅.0.6L▪️一个金属垫板▪️一个小量杯.












反正我就放着做事!很方便!也不太占空间.刚拆要洗清干净哟。不然会有一点点股塑料味。 # 亚米厨房 # # 开箱大吉 # # 下厨秘密武器 # # 亚米真的6 #