Yami 특선
First post 亚米开箱📦 Let's see what I bought this time~ In fact, I didn't buy a lot of things this time because I only bought Yami once not long ago, so this time I just bought something after seeing something missing. This time I divided it into two parts, one is beauty and slimming 🎀 the other is food 🍭 📍Beauty and slimming: ▪️Xingu Enzyme (Gold Edition): I have gained a lot of weight recently 😭 Summer is coming and I need to control my weight 😔 So I bought Xingu Enzyme. In fact, I have eaten a lot of boxes. Personally, I think it is still It has a little effect (maybe it also has a psychological effect 🤣) The golden version is an enhanced version. It is said to be more effective than the normal version. Look forward to the effect 🙈 ▪️Spring Rain Fruit and Vegetable Mask (Avocado 🥑): This is recommended by a beauty blogger I like on Weibo. Avocado is mainly for soothing and moisturizing 💦 ▪️Mandan Moisturizing and Moisturizing Makeup Remover/Biore Eye and Lip Makeup Remover: Let’s talk about these two together. Usually, I usually only use Farmacy’s makeup remover, which I think works well (although I prefer RMK’s makeup remover, but It’s hard to buy 😔) and then it is very troublesome to use makeup remover cream in the neck area, so this time I decided to use a makeup remover to remove the foundation on the neck and a special eye and lip makeup remover to remove eye makeup👀 ▪️Cotton Lab organic cotton pads: This is the first time I buy this brand of cotton pads. I checked the little red book and the reviews are very good. They say that they are very skin-friendly. Just this time I saw a discount and started it🤩 It's finally the food category 🥳 (Actually, I really want to lose weight 🙄 Most of them are bought for male tickets 🤭) 📍Food: ▪️Pick and Pick Small Noodles Hot and Sour Noodles: Recently, I am super obsessed with hot and sour noodles. I read the reviews and said that it is more delicious than the gold medal, so I started with two packs and tasted it😋 ▪️Shanghaojia potato chips/langli alang potato chips: I don't like potato chips very much because I think it's too dry, but the male ticket likes it so I bought some, but the taste is still ok ▪️Yumei egg yolk fried rice: I really can't help but see something with salted egg yolk 🤤 Hope it's delicious ▪️Mixed noodles with Meilanren (I bought the Sichuan-flavored and spicy ones): I also read the comments and it seems to be alright. I am also obsessed with noodles recently 🍜 ▪️Happy taste/MaMa Tom Yum Kung Cup Noodles: The male voter chose it himself. He said he was hungry in the middle of the night to eat while playing games 🙄 ▪️ Tinkerbell corn on the cob🌽: It feels a little too salty for me, not as delicious as I imagined, but I bought a lot of them 😭 But you can eat them all for the male ticket 🤐hahhahahah ▪️Zeng Noodles🍜: A good friend recommended it several times and said it was delicious😋 so I bought it and tried it. I bought kk noodles before and it felt so-so, not as delicious as what I said on the Internet. I don’t know if I bought the wrong taste. ▪️Bamboo Sun: I really like eating Bamboo Sun. I feel that it is delicious in soup or in a hot pot. It is really satisfying to eat the soup when I am full. I bought it this time and plan to try it myself to make coconut chicken 🥥 Alright~ That's all for this unboxing 🥳 # 亚米开箱 #
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Yami 특선 第一次发亚米开箱📦 来看一下我这次都买了些什么吧~ 其实这一次也没有买特别多的东西 因为前不久才买了一次亚米🙈所以这次就刚好看缺了一些什么就买了 这次我把它分成了两部分 一个是美妆及瘦身类🎀另一个就是食品类啦🍭 📍美妆 瘦身: ▪️新谷酵素(金色版):最近真的胖了好多😭夏天就要到了 得控制一下自己的体重了😔所以就买了新谷酵素 这个其实我已经吃过很多盒了 对我个人而言 我觉得还是有一点效果的(可能也有心理作用吧🤣)金色版是加强版 据说比普通版更有效 期待一下效果吧🙈 ▪️春雨果蔬面膜(牛油果🥑):这是我看微博的一个我挺喜欢的美妆博主推荐的 牛油果主打舒缓保湿💦 ▪️曼丹滋润保湿卸妆水/碧柔眼唇卸妆液:这两个就放一起说吧 平时卸妆我一般只用Farmacy的那个卸妆膏 我觉得很好用(虽然我更喜欢RMK的卸妆膏 但是真的很难买😔)然后比如脖子的区域用卸妆膏就很麻烦 所以这次就决定入一个卸妆水专门卸脖子上的粉底液 还有专门的眼唇卸妆液去卸眼妆👀 ▪️Cotton Lab有机化妆棉:这是我第一次买这个牌子的化妆棉 查了下小红书评价都挺好的 说很亲肤 正好这次看有折扣就入手了🤩 终于到了食品类啦🥳(其实我真的要减肥喔🙄大部分是买给男票吃的🤭) 📍食品: ▪️挑挑小面酸辣粉:最近超迷酸辣粉 看了评价说比金牌干溜还好吃 就入手了两包尝个味道😋 ▪️上好佳薯片/浪里个浪薯片:我不是很爱吃薯片 因为觉得太干了 但是男票很喜欢吃就买了一些 但的确味道还是可以的 ▪️与美蛋黄锅巴:真的是看到咸蛋黄口味的东西就忍不住🤤希望很好吃啦 ▪️与美懒人拌面(我买的川味香辣的):也是看评论感觉还可以 最近也很迷拌面🍜 ▪️合味道/MaMa冬阴功杯面:男票自己选的 说半夜饿了打游戏的时候吃🙄 ▪️小叮当玉米棒🌽:感觉对于我来说有点过咸 没有想象中好吃 结果还买了超级多😭不过可以都给男票吃🤐hahhahahah ▪️曾拌面🍜:好朋友推荐了好几次 说很好吃😋就买来试试 之前买过kk拌面 感觉一般 没有网上说的那么好吃 不知道是不是我味道买的不对😭 ▪️竹荪:我真的超爱吃竹荪 感觉煲汤或者放火锅里都好好吃 吸饱了汤汁吃下去真的是满足感👍这次买来打算自己尝试做个椰子鸡🥥 好啦~这次的开箱就是这些🥳 # 亚米开箱 #