✨The little rabbit's paper is white and white, and both ears stand up. I bought it at Easter, and various brands have products related to Easter, and Hershey's is no exception. I only know their chocolates, and I accidentally saw a limited edition 润唇膏! Picked it up and looked at it for a long time, and it was confirmed that the Hershey's family won it without hesitation; ✨润唇膏 The shape is the same as Hershey's classic small waist chocolate shape, the upper lip is more present, I personally think it is oily, the paste is relatively hard, it will not melt in summer, the smell is better than expected, not that strong plastic The smell of cherry, but a light taste, one has 8g, it feels like it can be used for a long time; it is small and cute, I bought it purely because of the limited supply + small and cute shape, I don't like the greasy feeling more general. # 晒单闪现抢积分 # # 春日粉色即正义 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationd4d9ca25db2f42e3bf08
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✨小兔纸白又白,两只耳朵竖起来。复活节的时候买的,各个品牌都出了有关复活节主题的产品,Hershey's也不例外,在我印象只认识她们家的巧克力,逛街无意中竟然看到有限量版润唇膏!拿起来看了老半天,确定是Hershey's家的毫不犹豫拿下了; ✨润唇膏造型和Hershey's经典小腰身巧克力造型一样,上唇比较有存在感,个人觉得偏油,膏体比较硬,不会在夏天的时候化掉,味道比想象中的好闻,不是那种强烈塑料味的樱桃香味,而是淡淡的味道,一个有8g,感觉可以用好久;小巧可爱,买它纯粹是因为限量+小巧可爱的造型,不喜欢油腻感润唇膏的可能不会喜欢这款,保湿能力比较一般。 # 晒单闪现抢积分 # # 春日粉色即正义 # # 润唇膏 #