Yami 특선
Good choices for protein supplements: chicken and salmon. Today, the family members are going to show it again 😂 Even if you don’t eat it, you can’t do it. 💗 Honey White Wine Salmon: ✨Rinse and dry the salmon ✨After the oil is hot, fry the salmon on both sides ✨Pour in some white wine ✨Add a spoon of soy sauce ✨ A spoonful of chopped scallion whites and shallots ✨2 spoons of honey ✨Finally sprinkle with half a lemon juice! The taste is very fresh, it will not have the fatty feeling of salmon, and it is delicious to match. 💗Vegetable Chicken ✨Mori melon diced ✨ Dice the chicken leg mushrooms, add salt and blanch ✨Marinate diced chicken with soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, black pepper ✨Fry it together and it's OK. 💗Brown rice: 1cup brown rice+ 1cup quinoa Bring to a boil over high heat, turn to medium/low heat and cook for 15 minutes, then turn off the heat and smother #快手食谱 # #晒单闪现抢积分 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation2e15f91adad1433895a346
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Yami 특선 补充蛋白质的好选择:鸡肉和三文鱼。今天家属又要展现下😂 说不吃都不行。 💗蜂蜜白葡萄酒三文鱼: ✨三文鱼洗净擦干 ✨热油后,将三文鱼2面都煎好 ✨倒入一些白葡萄酒 ✨加一勺酱油 ✨一勺切碎的葱白和青葱 ✨2勺蜂蜜 ✨最后撒上半颗柠檬汁! 味道很清新,不会有那种三文鱼很肥腻的感觉,搭配起来很好吃。 💗蔬菜鸡丁 ✨毛利瓜切丁 ✨鸡腿菇切丁,加盐焯水 ✨鸡丁用酱油,蚝油,盐,黑胡椒腌一下 ✨炒在一起就OK啦。 💗糙米:1cup brown rice+ 1cup藜麦 大火煮开转中火/小火煮15分钟,关火闷起来就好 # 快手食谱 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 # # 亚米厨房 #