Yami 특선
Replica Mom's Hometown Flavor Fried Pancakes Away from home, I miss my mom's fried pancakes so much, I'll re-enact them now. I use all the ingredients I like, and they're super fragrant! Main ingredients: two slices of finger pancakes (especially suitable for making fried pancakes!), half a box of luncheon meat, half an onion, one egg, a lot of mushrooms, appropriate amount of green onions, green peppers (optional, because there is no cabbage at home, So add some green veggies) Seasoning: Two tablespoons of lo mein oyster sauce, one tablespoon of dark soy sauce, salt and sugar optional amount practice: 1. Fry the pancakes until golden on both sides, and shred; shredded mushrooms, onions, luncheon meat, green onions, and green peppers. Beat the eggs, pour them into a frying pan, spread them out and fry until cooked, take them out and cut them into filaments, which are called shredded eggs. 2. Fry the shredded luncheon meat first, fry it until golden brown, pour in the shredded onion, scallion white and green chili shreds and sauté until fragrant; 3. Add shredded mushrooms and fried cakes, stir fry; add two tablespoons of lo mein oyster sauce, a tablespoon of dark soy sauce, salt and sugar to taste for about 2 minutes; finally add shredded egg and spring onion and stir fry briefly. # 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 ## 百万积分第六季 #
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Yami 특선 复刻妈妈拿手菜之家乡味炒饼 离家在外,好想念妈妈做的炒饼,这回来复刻一下,用的材料都是自己喜欢的,超级香! 主材料:手抓饼两片(特别适合做炒饼!)、午餐肉半盒、洋葱半个、鸡蛋一个、香菇良多、葱适量、青辣椒(可选,完全是因为家里没有卷心菜了,所以添加点绿色蔬菜) 调味:捞面蚝油两大匙、老抽一勺、盐和糖可选适量 做法: 1、 手抓饼煎至两面金黄,切细丝;香菇、洋葱、午餐肉、葱、青辣椒切细丝。鸡蛋打散,倒入平底锅中铺平煎熟,取出后切成细丝,即为蛋丝。 2、先煎午餐肉丝,煎至金黄后,倒入洋葱丝、葱白和青辣椒丝爆香; 3、加入香菇丝和炒饼,翻炒;2分钟左右加入两大勺捞面蚝油,一勺老抽、盐、糖调味;最后加入蛋丝和葱简单翻炒即可。 # 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 ## 百万积分第六季 #