
편집자 추천 구매후기 선택

# 兔然就过年了 #礼盒挺好看的,喜庆的中国红。糕点有七种口味:糖醇红豆、糖醇南瓜、枣泥、玫瑰、山楂锅盔、凤梨、百果。老式糕点,外皮口感都差不多,绵绵软软的,微甜。内陷儿有偏酸的,有偏甜的,有花香的,也有果香的,相信一定能找到自己喜欢的味道

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#兔然就过年了#This fat house snack tastes good👍salty, fragrant and crispy, and you cant stop eating it. But here comes the problem. I glanced at the ingredient list, 1744 kcal per bag, my God. It’s cool when you eat it, how many laps do you have to run after eating it😂

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Yami UGC 이미지

#兔然就过年了#D-plus bread is really good. The taste is dense, soft and moist. Its not too sweet either, which I like very much. I especially like the taste of this cream, it tastes full of milk, soft and delicate like cotton. highly recommended

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Yami UGC 이미지

#兔然就过年了#I bought this peanut for a new try. After tasting it, I think it tastes good, it tastes milky and small walnut. Its quite a big pack, and you can eat a few pills a day as snacks. Although there is a shell, the quality is very good, there is no bad food, and it is also very good.

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#兔然就过年了#Popcan lollipops are my babys favorite. Cute Disney cartoon character packaging, plus sweet lollipops, who can not love it. Valentine’s Day is coming, buy 10 packs and give it to children during the festival. Hope they all like it.

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#兔然就过年了#These tomato-flavored potato fries are a real childhood memory. Fragrant, crunchy, sweet and sour. Couldnt stop mouth after mouthful. The kind you want to eat after sucking your finger. It’s good to have a bag when you’re chasing dramas on weekends

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#兔然就过年了#Ganyuan brands crab yolk and melon seeds are really excellent snacks for watching dramas. After opening the package, I cant stop my mouth at all. Its really fragrant in handfuls. Although the price is a little expensive, but its taste is really worth it.

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Yami UGC 이미지

#兔然就过年了#This shredded bread stick from Le Jin Kee is very good. is my repo product. There are many small bags in one pack, so it is very convenient to carry when going out. The taste is also good. It tastes sweet and not dry. The quantity is plentiful and very affordable.

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# 兔然就过年了 #包装就很喜庆。中国红洒金铁盒子,剪纸画摆成的“发”字,年味儿十足。内含25枚糕点,都是独立包装。每枚糕点盒子上都印有国风书法,文字都出自故宫典藏真迹,字是真的好看😍。我超级喜欢这样的设计!过年嘛,一家人聚在一起,除了要吃好,能做些有趣的事就更好了。一起来玩拼字游戏,和家人朋友拼出新年祝福语,再以开盲盒的形式品尝美味,一定很有趣。礼盒里还附赠了4个红包🧧,也是超级贴心了。糕点总共20种口味,有创新中式点心酥饼,也有手工巧克力。每一个都是精品,造型精致,口感绝佳👍。酥饼超级酥软,巧克力丝滑香浓。甜度是恰到好处,多吃几枚也不会觉得腻。总体来说,这款礼盒非常精美,颜值超高,糕

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Yami UGC 이미지
Yami UGC 이미지
Yami UGC 이미지

#兔然就过年了#This black coffee was originally bought in Yachao, and it tastes very good. Not very sweet, with a mellow aftertaste, I like drinking it very much. It is rare to see that Yami is sold, and it is cheaper than the ones bought in supermarkets, which is really good. Its a pity that it was out

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