
편집자 추천 구매후기 선택

Hot pot soup base is the most convenient. Not only can you make hot pot, but you can also cook vegetables or soup. That is, the quantity is small, two packs at a time are enough, buy less.

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Pretty affordable, equal to 9.5% off. Its good for gifts or for personal use. You can choose another one. Now that Yami cant get a discount, buy less, or you will definitely buy a few more.😂

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Its a pretty good electric cooker, I just like that its shell is made of stainless steel, but unfortunately there is only one big ceramic stew pot, Im afraid it will be broken and dont know where to buy it, 😂 Its not suitable for one or two people.

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Yami UGC 이미지

Last year, I wanted to buy Taiwanese moon cakes with 85 degrees C, but I missed it. I finally bought it this year. I ate the mochi and taro paste and it was delicious.

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Yami UGC 이미지

This is the first time I bought Yuantong’s Liuxin mooncake. I think it’s good and it’s worth the money. I also bought its double yellow taro mooncake, which is very cheap, just over ten pieces. Convex bought and ate at Dahua last year, yes, I saw that Yami was selling it this year, so I bought it by

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