
편집자 추천 구매후기 선택

# 摸着良心来种草啦 #This chocolate roll taste so good.And so affordable. The chocolate fillings are not too sweet. But some of them are crushed.Hope they will be in stock again

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This noodle was so goodSo many packsAnd with a egg it was a quick lunchRecommend to student or people that when a quick lunch. It will be super nice in the winter timeGoing to buy more but out of stock again# 摸着良心来种草啦 #

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This nine system bayberry are so good.A little sour but mostly sweet!I love it 🥰And it has a zipper on the bag so you don’t have to eat it all at once.100% going to buy it again. But it out of stock# 摸着良心来种草啦 #

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I love this cake can’t have enough of it.There’s full of meat flossAnd there’s 15 in a boxIt was great for a snack or breakfast with a coffeeGoing to buy more, every time when I want to buy it it’s out of stock 😂# 摸着良心来种草啦 #

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Milk teaI love this milk tea it’s not too sweet.Super recommend to people that don’t like sweet milk tea!!!It was better when it was cold.Now there was an deal 12 for $9# 摸着良心来种草啦 #

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# 独家懒人快手菜谱 #Super delicious and very suitable for student partiesIt doesnt feel any different from other brands of snail powder.It wont be very spicy without the chili sauce, suitable for people like me who cant eat spicy food 😂

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# 独家懒人快手菜谱 #How can I forget about self-heating hot pot when talking about lazy cooking 🍲Just need water to eatThere are vermicelli, two cabbages (because I chose vegetarian) and tomato base. It can be eaten by two people, and I even added an extra vermicelli 👍🏻It is recommended to add yuba, sau

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# 亚米返校季 #VitasoyWhether it is homework, school or lunch, it is convenient to drinkBought a lot this time to prepare for school

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# 亚米返校季 #Kalamju Seaweed FlavorVery suitable for small snacks to eat while doing homework👍🏻Slightly spicy and every piece has small seaweed delicious 😋

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# 亚米返校季 #colorful flute rollThere are bonus stickers inside (the stickers are random)This sticker is also very suitable for students to come 😄

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