
편집자 추천 구매후기 선택

Crab Shell and Yellow Taro Flavor|Amazing!As a taro lover, I really dont have any taro-flavored snacks, sweets, ice cream, and milk tea I dont want to try.Even when cooking, I like to braise all kinds of taro (ribs, chicken or something!)So this time I saw crab shell yellow with taro stuffin

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Lena Zhou


This time Yami bought a lot of things, so I will list them one by one.🥥Dragonfly Rice Noodles 2lbs + Jinmailang Handmade Wide Noodles🥥They are all food that is just needed at home, and noodles are a must. Jinmailangs hand-made wide noodles are often bought. The price is affordable and the taste

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Lena Zhou


#YamiGroupWinning# Oh my goodness, I won a $5 Yami coupon. I have been pale since I was a child, and I can come whenever I want! So happy~Thanks @YamiWelfare Jun

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Lena Zhou


Taro Crisp|YYDS|Yami closed his eyes and entered the cakeThe fragrant glutinousness of taro and the layers of crispy skin taste just rightMochi mixed with taro paste inside, not too sweet or too greasyIts really the best in shortbread (personal feeling)Every time you enter, you have to put in

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