
편집자 추천 구매후기 선택

Received the second package yesterday, I couldnt wait to check the logistics, I thought the postman had lost the package! Family house in fat, has continued to increase in single ~ # 来亚米才知道的美食 # # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 即食美味 # # 如7而至 #

Yami UGC 이미지

The first package received, Hi Sen! Checked the shelf life, they are all fresh, and the fastest will expire in July or August. Continuing to add orders, I highly recommend it to friends!

Yami UGC 이미지

TA가 아직 구매후기를 게시하지 않았어요. 나중에 다시 오세요~

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