
편집자 추천 구매후기 선택

# 新春甜茶 #Have you heard of freeze-dried yogurt and freeze-dried strawberries? 🍓Have you heard of freeze-dried Tremella soup?Convenient and fast to eat# 健康美食 #Unlock Tremella polysaccharides, amino acids, vitamins and other nutrients in one minute# 懒人必备 #Quit milk tea and choose a healthy and happy

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# 全球购 #Do you love the rich lotus root starch? When I get up in winter, I don’t want to go out to buy breakfast, so I want to do it directly at home. The stuff at Fang’s Shop is really a treasure. Osmanthus, nuts and lotus root powder are so delicious!It’s full of ingredients, contains a lot of dr

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Did you know that rock sugar is also a kind of medicine.I don’t know if you have ever thought about why it is “Sydney with rock sugar” or “Bird’s nest with rock sugar” instead of “Sydney with white sugar” or “Bird’s nest with white sugar”? Why does it have to be rock sugar?❇️It turns out that rock

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