
편집자 추천 구매후기 선택

Japanese AXXZIA Xiaozi 3D Ice American Eye Mask ReviewI am 30 weeks pregnant and received a gift from Junjun. I am very grateful❤️! Taking care of a baby + working + looking for a confinement nanny, this week has been really busy, so naturally it’s impossible not to check my phone. The dark circ

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In the coldest days, I received YAMIBUYs most heart-warming 冬日养生 series - golden chrysanthemum, longan, rose, honeysuckle, lemon.Golden Golden Chrysanthemum: There are 30 flowers in a box, 15 grams each, all individually packaged, produced by Beijing Tongrentang. When you open it, the fragrance o

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Some time ago, I used the Korean Bubble Hair Dye I bought at Yamibuy, but I havent posted any unboxing messages, so Ill make a review today. Overall very satisfied, super color! But I dont think it will be dyed multiple times in a short period of time, because the damage to the hair is quite seri

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Yami UGC 이미지

I was busy shooting the unboxing video yesterday and forgot to take product photos, so I can only take screenshots of canned abalone from the video😩The brand of canned abalone is Captain Jiang. I have never tried it before, but it happened that there was a discount some time ago, so I bought it an

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# 2021赏月计划 # # 赏月零食 ## 茶点绝配饮品 # # 健康饮品 # # 这些饮品好喝到飞起 #Happy share my favorite drink - apple jasmine tea, made by HK VITA.Is almost mid-autumn festival, time for family gatherings and enjoy moon cakes. Not only moon cakes, drinks are also important after having dessert.Apple juice + jasmine tea

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# 秋天第一个开箱 ## Kao Bubble Hair Dye #In autumn, I need to change my hair color. The Kao Bubble Hair Dye I bought at Yami some time ago has not had time to open the box. I finally tried it out of the box today. It feels good, and the coloring is very fast. Although it smells like hair dye, it is light

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I personally think that skincare is more important than makeup, and I have been repurchasing these two products several times. They are both from Japans Naturie brand, super affordable, with large portions, and can be used for a long time. The moisturizing effect is very strong. We should treat our

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Yami UGC 이미지

Sunshine afternoon tea brings a little freshness to the hot summer, and the smell of flowers heals my summer.It is said that Yami is a treasure trove of Asian snacks, so even if I don’t like snacks very much, under the temptation of advertisements, I slipped my hand and placed the order.Brand: H

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