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# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 我的早餐打卡 #My favorite white porridge is here~ I stocked up a lot of white porridge when it was on sale, this is really convenient, just open the bag and eat it right away, # 懒人必备 #
📌Taiwan Isabelle Pineapple Cake🍍As a pineapple cake controller 🤗 I discovered that this brand of pineapple cake is delicious, but the pineapple cakes from Hsu Fu Kee are all floating clouds~😜🌟 TasteThe portion is larger than other brands of pineapple cakes, the skin is delicious, the skin is t
📌The kitchen of fish fillets - homemade soy milk 😁Before Yamibuys soymilk machine was discounted, I bought this soymilk machine during the event 🤗The benefits of lazy people hahahaha 😄🌟 Soymilk makerIt has many functions and is easy to use. There are also tutorials on the manual, so don’t lose