
편집자 추천 구매후기 선택

A lot of stuff 😂

Yami UGC 이미지

I saw a lot of people saying that the gluttonous konjac is delicious and couldnt help but buy five packs.Recommend this salted egg yolk pancake! It tastes delicious and the packaging is convenient.Bourbons egg rolls are super good.Bought a pack of dried snail noodles to try.I gave up losing we

Yami UGC 이미지
Yami UGC 이미지
Yami UGC 이미지
Yami UGC 이미지

Recommend this OTTOGI red date tea!

Yami UGC 이미지

TA가 아직 구매후기를 게시하지 않았어요. 나중에 다시 오세요~

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