
편집자 추천 구매후기 선택

# 亚米真的6 ## MoMo開箱 #Time flies, Yami is 6 years old at once! I placed my first order to buy a snack, and since then my life seems to be inseparable from Yami. Especially after I entered the crowd through posting orders and met a group of friends who worked hard to eat, Yami has become an indispensa

Yami UGC 이미지
Yami UGC 이미지

# MoMo私廚 # # 我的早餐打卡 #Todays breakfast is still bagel, this time it is a typical Lox bagel in New York. I used the salt-smoked salmon marinated by my husband and paired it with the chive cream cheese I made. The thinly sliced salted fish fillets are mixed with the fragrance of green onions. They se

Yami UGC 이미지
Yami UGC 이미지

A good helper for fat loss ~ Buckwheat Tea

When I first came into contact with tartary buckwheat tea, I liked the taste of fried wheat, and I liked it even more after learning about the benefits of tartary buckwheat tea. This hometown-flavored buckwheat tea sold on Yami is of good quality and reasonable price.

Yami UGC 이미지

Eat if you want~Black rice balls🍙MoMo

[Dip, clock in on day four] Today, I will introduce one of the traditional breakfasts in Jiangnan, together with soy milk, fried dough sticks and flatbread, which are called the Four King Kong rice balls in Shanghai breakfast session.

#开年吃大餐🐷The New Years Eve dinner was prepared with my mother at home. It broke the previous record and prepared 17 dishes for the reunion. I was very happy when the table was full.I hope everyone will have a good meal in the new year, and Yami will be prosperous.

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Yami UGC 이미지
Yami UGC 이미지
Yami UGC 이미지
Yami UGC 이미지


開年必吃比翼雙飛,用了之前囤下的最後一包奧爾良醃料。色澤味道都是非常滿意的,當然還有加了自己的私房醬料才有這樣的效果喔。 -兩磅多的雞中翼配一包的調味粉,加一點點smoke parprika增加香味,一點點生抽調味。這個調味粉本身比較甜,帶點微辣,覺得鹹味就少了點所以加點生抽提味。放進ziplock袋子進冰箱醃製一晚。 -烤爐預熱到400F,烤盤上面鋪油紙再架上烤架,排好雞翼設定15分鐘。 -刷上蜂蜜再烤7-8分鐘見到皮開始焦黃就可以出爐啦。 烤好的雞翼應該是這樣的顏色最好。 -油紙

It is easy to be lazy in winter. If you can fry the same meat, vegetables and staple food, it is the most convenient. Xin Dongyang knife-cut noodles are dry noodles that are always prepared at home. They are boiled in cold water and fried with beef, and then add a little vegetable and shallot sauce.

Yami UGC 이미지
Yami UGC 이미지
Yami UGC 이미지

Lactic acid bacteria drink lovers, Yami will be on the shelves soon 😂

This is a bitter plea for Yami from a lactic acid bacteria drink lover. It seems that Yami has not stocked up with lactic acid bacteria for a long time.😭Recently, I can only go out and bring back some heavyweight drinks. By the way, I would like to introduce three different types of lactic acid b

Yami UGC 이미지

泰式打拋豬🐷Thai Basil Pork~MoMo快手餐

昨天在超市買了一盒九層塔煮了一餐,剩下還有一大把就繼續九層塔料理吧。今天煮的是快速,很下飯,零失敗的打拋豬。打拋豬就是平常在美國去泰國餐都會點的Thai Basil。打拋是泰式羅勒Holy Basil的泰文發音,在美國找不到這種羅勒,所以我就用九層塔代替啦 【打拋豬 2-3人份材料】 豬絞肉:1 磅 九層塔:半碗 番茄:1顆 (切小塊狀) 大蒜末:3~4瓣 檸檬:1/4顆 【醬料】 醬油:1 大匙 蠔油:1 小匙 魚露:1大匙 黑糖:1小匙 平底鍋熱

Yami UGC 이미지


材料 去骨大雞腿 -------2片  九層塔 ------------一大把 蒜頭 --------------10顆 整顆剝好皮不切 薑片 --------------10片 醬料 醬油 --------------2大匙 米酒 --------------2大匙 麻油 --------------1大匙 冰糖 --------------半湯匙 ( 醬油&米酒 =1:1,基本上一大片雞腿就是一大匙) 雞腿肉稍微畫幾刀

TA가 아직 구매후기를 게시하지 않았어요. 나중에 다시 오세요~

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