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# 冬日养生 # # 关于美食 #Lazy people really want me to soak and dice white fungus, but I’m not good at it. I just like #懒人必备 #This kind of food can be opened and eaten.The ingredients are very clean, just water, white fungus, red dates, wolfberry... I feel very relieved. Not too sweet, tastes good

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Yami UGC 이미지
Yami UGC 이미지

What are you all drinking? # 冬日养生 #Looking at the ingredient list, it is water, birds nest, and white fungus polysaccharide. The ingredients are very clean and can be eaten with confidence.It also looks great as a gift to a friend, with good looks. # 年货好物种草指南 # # 我的囤货清单 #

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Yami UGC 이미지
Yami UGC 이미지

# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # # 如7而至 # # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # # Happy order Happy life! # # Sakura Season # Nourishing online anytime all year round 🌻Today, I will share with you a nourishing cream recipe that I have been drinking recently. I think it is good, and I recommend it to everyone. It is Fangjiapuzi Orange Cr

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Yami UGC 이미지
Yami UGC 이미지

TA가 아직 구매후기를 게시하지 않았어요. 나중에 다시 오세요~

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